9/21 Open Scrimmage: Support Developing Skaters! Support the Rob Lobster Fund!

Doors at 5:30pm. Scrimmage at 6:15pm.

  • Please note - no concessions or bar will be offered at this event.
  • Please note - $.50 will be added to tickets at the door for processing.
  • Children under 6 are free and do not need a ticket!
This event has passed.

Come cheer on developing skaters at this open to all Scrimmage Event! Funds raised support the Rob Lobster fund for adult scholarships, which help the Rose City Rollers keep on rolling!

Rob Lobster Memorial Scholarship Program 

Established in 2015 in memory of longtime coach, mentor, and RCR supporter, the Rob Lobster Memorial Scholarship Program is designed to help make roller derby more accessible to skaters in our adult league.  More info can be found at:



No Concessions or Bar will be offered, please feel free to bring in snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. Alcohol consumption is strictly prohited at this event. 

Rose City Rollers Hangar at Oaks Amusement Park

7805 SE Oaks Park Wy.
Portland, OR 97202